Selected Option Is Not Updated When Observable Updates, Though Optionsvalue Does
In the following code, a product (represented with productVM) has an observable property (productName) containing its name in two languages (english and french). Once a cartItem is
Solution 1:
Your problem occurs when you change the options
of your select. During the change, your value
bound observable, cartItemName
, contains the English string. For example: Door
. As soon as you change the language, there is not a single option
that returns Door
for its optionsValue
expression, thereby clearing the value
The best solution is to store a reference to your actual viewmodel, rather than just its string name. This does require you to move some other bits & pieces around, since you're manually updating quite a bit.
The starting point of the change:
// Removeself.cartItemName = ko.observable();
// Addself.cartItem = ko.observable();
// Change
<select data-bind="...
value: cartItem
" />
In a working snippet, with some other changes to make my work easier:
var handlerVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.cartItems = ko.observableArray([]);
self.language = ko.observable("english");
self.availableProducts = ko.observableArray([
newproductVM("Shelf", ['White', 'Brown']),
newproductVM("Door", ['Green', 'Blue', 'Pink']),
newproductVM("Window", ['Red', 'Orange'])
self.productNameFor = function(product) {
return product.productName()[self.language()];
self.addCartItem = function (a, b, c, d) {
self.changeLanguage = function () {
self.language() == "english" ?
self.language("french") :
self.productVM = function (name, availableColours) {
var self = this;
self.productName = ko.observable({
english: name,
french: name + "eux",
self.availableColours = ko.observableArray(availableColours);
self.cartItemVM = function () {
var self = this;
self.cartItem = ko.observable();
self.cartItemColour = ko.observable();
<scriptsrc=""></script><div><divdata-bind="foreach: cartItems"><div><selectdata-bind="options: $root.availableProducts,
optionsText: $root.productNameFor,
optionsCaption: 'Choose a product',
value: cartItem"
></select></div><divdata-bind="with: cartItem"><selectdata-bind="options: availableColours,
optionsCaption: 'Choose a colour',
value: $parent.cartItemColour"
></select></div></div><div><buttondata-bind="text: 'add cart item', click: addCartItem" /><buttondata-bind="text: 'change language', click: changeLanguage" /></div></div>
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