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Does Javascript Support The Ability To Get A Directory Listing?

I want to upload a bunch of image files to a directory that I've set up on my ISP's free hosting service. It's something like I want my Ja

Solution 1:

Under the assumption that your JavaScript code is code on your pages and not code on your server, then no, there's no API provided for JavaScript in a web browser other than a server-side API accessible via HTTP that you would create yourself. If the directory full of files is on the server, then it's going to have to be some server-side code that delivers the directory listing anyway. You could write such code in the server-side programming environment of your choice (including a server-side JavaScript solution, if that's what you want and if such a thing is possible at your ISP). As Pekka notes, it may be possible to simply enable directory browsing in your server, though that's generally a fairly low-level service that will deliver some sort of HTML page to you, and parsing through that might be somewhat painful (compared to what you could get from a tailor-made service).

Another, simpler thing you could do would be to upload a manifest file along with the other image files. In other words, create the directory listing in some easy-to-digest form, and maintain it separately as a simple file to be fetched.

Solution 2:

javascript not suport directory listing in a direct way. but you can create a directory dumper php file, and send via AJAX.

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