Specifying Complex Proptypes For Children
I'm writing a small Toolbar component in React. Here's how it should be used: or
Solution 1:
Did you tried to do:
customProp: function (props, propName, componentName) {
props.children.forEach(child => {
if (!child instanceofToolbarButtonSearch && !child instanceofToolbarButtonFold) {
'Invalid children supplied to' +
' `' + componentName + '`. Validation failed.'
Solution 2:
Instead of passing components (since they have to be imported into Toolbar, anyway), you could just pass props defining if the specific component should be displayed.
constToolbar = ({showButtonSearch = false, showButtonFold = false, buttonSearchProps = {}, buttonFoldProps = {}}) => {
return (
{showButtonSearch ? <ButtonSearch {...buttonSearchProps} /> : null}
{showButtonFold ? <ButtonFold {...buttonFoldProps} /> : null}
This method would also allow you to pass props for the children as well as any further functionality you need before displaying the children (such as ordering the children a specific way).
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