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"bindable" Variables In Javascript?

From my littleexperience in Flex, I learned about Bindable variables, so that the content of a text element changed with th value of a variable, for example. I'm wondering if it's

Solution 1:

You can "watch" objects in most major browsers. Here is a shim. The idea essentially is to have a setter (in that example it's the function called handler) that will be executed when the value changes. I'm not sure what the extent of browser support is.

Although to be honest it sounds like a much easier solution to have your own setter method. Either make it into an object (you can easily extend this example to use a generic handler insetad of always changing the title):

function Watchable(val) { // non-prototypal modelling to ensure privacythis.set = function(v){
   this.get = function(){returnval;};

var title = new Watchable("original title");

title.get(); // "original title"
title.set("second title"); // "second title"
title.get(); // "second title"

Or if it isn't something you need to instantiate multiple times, a simple function + convention will do:

functionchangeVal(newVal) {
   variableToWatch = newVal;
   // change some DOM content

Solution 2:

A simple method is to concentrate the related elements under one Javascript variable. This variable has a setter method and is bound to a user specified handler function that is called when the setter is invoked.

function Binder(handler) {
    this._value = 0; // will be set this._handler = handler;
Binder.prototype.set = function(val) {
    this._value = val;
Binder.prototype.get = function() {

The Binder is used as follows:

<h1id="h1">Title 0</h1><h2id="h2">Title 0</h2><scripttype="text/javascript">functiontitleHandler(variable) {
    var val = variable.get();
    document.getElementById("h1").innerHTML = val;
    document.getElementById("h2").innerHTML = "Sub" + val;
    document.title = val;
var title = newBinder(titleHandler);
title.set("Title 2");

Solution 3:

The best way:

 (function (win) {
   functionbindCtrl(id, varName) {
     var c = win.document.getElementById(id);
     if (!varName) varName = id;
     if (c) {
       Object.defineProperty(win, varName, {
         get: function () { return c.innerHTML; },
         set: function (v) { c.innerHTML = v; }

     return c;

   win.bindCtrl = bindCtrl;

// Bind control "test" to "x" variablebindCtrl('test', 'x');

// Change value
x = 'Bar (prev: ' + x + ')';

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