How Implement React Spa Authentication With Keycloak And Pkce Flow?
This is my first time working with Keycloak. I have prepared a Keycloak instance in my local machine in which I can create realm's, clients etc. I found React + Keycloak examples o
Solution 1:
Go to your Realm, and then to client and select your client:
- Set
Access Type
- Enabled
Standard Flow Enabled
- Add the appropriate Redirect Uris
- Go to
Advanced Settings
and in the fieldProof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method
and selectS256
On the adaptor of your React application add "enable-pkce": true.
From the keycloak documentation:
The KeycloakInstalled adapter supports the PKCE [RFC 7636] mechanism to provide additional protection during code to token exchanges in the OIDC protocol. PKCE can be enabled with the "enable-pkce": true setting in the adapter configuration. Enabling PKCE is highly recommended, to avoid code injection and code replay attacks.
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