Add Propertie To Object If Property Exists In Another Object Using Lodash
I have two objects and I need to add properties to one object based on match from properties of another: var dependsOn= { qTableIdent: { //Exter
Solution 1:
The solution using Object.keys
and Array.indexOf
var dependsOn = {
qTableIdent: {'RHID': 'RHID', 'SEQ': 'NOME'},
qTableDocs: {'RHID': 'RHID', 'DOC': 'DOC2'}
tableCols = [
"targets": 1,
"title": 'RHID',
"label": 'RHID',
"data": 'RHID',
"name": 'RHID',
"width": "5%",
"filter": true,
"defaultContent": "",
attr: {'name': 'rhid'}
newProps = {"visible": false, "type": 'hidden'}, // new properties to insert
dataKeys = [];
Object.keys(dependsOn).forEach(function(k) {
Object.keys(dependsOn[k]).forEach(function(key) {
if (dataKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// dataKeys now contains unique keys list: ["RHID", "SEQ", "DOC"]
tableCols.forEach(function(obj) {
if (dataKeys.indexOf(obj['data']) !== -1) {
Object.keys(this).forEach((k) => obj[k] = this[k]);
}, newProps);
console.log(JSON.stringify(tableCols, 0, 4));
console.log(JSON.stringify(tableCols, 0 , 4));
The output example for a single object inside 'tableCols' array:
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