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Why Isn't Nan Finite?

Testing the isFinite function I see that NaN is an infinite number (even if it's not a number :-)). isFinite(NaN) // returns false What's the logic behind this? Why isn't NaN fini

Solution 1:

As Dave Newton said, NaN is not a number, and then you have to consider that it isn't finite nor infinite. The same occurs to these:

NaN > 0  // false
NaN < 0  // false

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Solution 2:

Because it is not a numeric value...and finite/infinite is applicable only to numbers.

Solution 3:

The result of any arithmetic operation on NaN is NaN.

The result of any logic operation on NaN is false.

Solution 4:

Because an infinite number... is still a number. NaN isn't a number in any possible sense.

It's like an error in Matrix.

Solution 5:

Finite means capable of being counted. It has to return true or false for isFinite. I think it makes more sense for NaN to be infinite.

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