Jquery Contextmenu Dropdown
I am using this contextMenu template: http://medialize.github.com/jQuery-contextMenu/index.html and i would like to change the place where the menu appears, i mean i want it to ALW
Solution 1:
onShowMenu: function(e, menu) {
return menu;
Solution 2:
determinePosition - provided in documentation of the plugin.
Determine the position of the menu in respect to the given trigger object.
determinePosition: function(opt.$menu)
selector: 'span.context-menu',
determinePosition: function($menu){
// Position using jQuery.ui.position // http://api.jqueryui.com/position/
$menu.css('display', 'block')
.position({ my: "center top", at: "center bottom", of: this, offset: "0 5"})
.css('display', 'none');
Worked for me!! I know this is a 9 year old question, and I hope the next person viewing it will not spend an hour fixing it.
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