Why Would A Hash Computation Using Cryptojs Cause A $rootscope:infdig Error In Angular?
Solution 1:
Providing ng-bind="sha1('bar')"
makes the digest cycle unstable, everytime sha1 function returns a different object (reference is different) and your digest cycle has to run again to stabilize it and every digest cycle again evaluates the ng-bind function expression and it goes on till it reaches the max limit set (10). You can also easily replicate this issue by just doing return []
in your scope method. This is just a side effect of not so good practice of binding a function expression to ng-bind
as it runs every digest cycle, if at all used it should be carefully evaluated.
One simple solution is to bind ng-change/ng-blur event on your password or any other trigger and just bind ng-bind to a property instead of a function expression.
.constant('Crypto', window.CryptoJS);
functionMyCtrl($scope, Crypto) {
$scope.encrypt = function() {
$scope.encrypted = Crypto.SHA1($scope.password);
For better usage of DI i have placed crpto in a constant and inject it where needed.
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