Javascript - "this" Pointing To Window Instead Of Object
I'm facing for the first time OOP in JavaScript and all the troubles that comes with it... I have this function/Object/class/whatever which has a method mainLoop() that should disp
Solution 1:
Alter your start
start: function(){
var self = this;
for(var i = 0; i < this.cols; i++)
this.drops[i] = 0;
timer = setInterval(function() {
}, this.delay);
was poiting at window
because the scope has changed.
Solution 2:
Since JavaScript is prototype-based, maybe (if you haven't already) try doing it following this model:
functionMatrix(config) { = config.firstmember;
this.property2 = config.secondmember;
returnfunction() { console.log('hello world') };
Matrix.prototype = {
someMethod: function() {
//do something
start: function() {
//console.log('hello world');
stop: function() {
//do something
var config = {
firstMember: 'foo',
secondMember: 'bar'
var m = new Matrix(config);
//console output: "hello world"
/*var m = {
property: 'foo',
property2: 'bar',
____proto___: Matrix: {
someMethod: function() {
//do something
start: function() {
//console.log('hello world');
stop: function() {
//do something
Also, see the answer to this question regarding setInterval.
setInterval callback functions are members of the Window object; therefore, 'this' refers to the window. You will need to pass in a parameter of the current object to the callback that is inside setInterval. See the link above for more details.
Solution 3:
If you need a reference to the calling object, I'd suggest passing it down as a parameter to the function.
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