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Javascript Prototypes And Inheritance

My question is Object is last on prototype chain all objects inherit properties and methods from it how it is inherit methods from Function.prototype, why Object.__proto__ === Func

Solution 1:

The fundamental Object in JavaScript has to have a way for it to be instantiated, so it requires a prototype object to aid in lines like this:

let myObj = newObject();

And that is why Object.__proto__ is not null.

The Function object is a special type of object that facilitates object instantiation via a constructor and when used this way is known as a "constructor function". So, it makes sense for Object to inherit from a Function object so that object instances can be made.

Solution 2:

Function is also an object. So it inherits from Object too.

But don't be confused by Object.__proto__. That's something the browser adds and isn't actually part of the language. So don't rely on it or use it.

Essentially, Function.prototype is Object.__proto__.

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