Test If The User Has Filled All The Inputs In A Form
I have a login form in my page and I want to test if the user has filled all the inputs, this is the code I tried but it won't work :
Solution 1:
You can try it
if (isset($_POST['valider'])) {
$auth = false;
if($_POST['login'] == $client['Pseudo'] && $_POST['mdp'] == $client['MotDePasse'])
$_SESSION['login'] = $_POST['login'];
$_SESSION['mdp'] = $_POST['mdp'];
$auth = true;
?><!doctype html><html><head><metacharset="UTF-8"><scripttype="text/javascript">functionvalidation(form)
var login = document.getElementById('login');
var mdp = document.getElementById('mdp');
if(login.value == '' || mdp.value == '')
alert('You must fill in all fields!');
</script></head><body><formmethod="post"action="authentification.php"id="form1"name="form1"onsubmit="validation(this);return false"><table><tr><td>Login :</td><td><inputtype="text"name="login"id="login"></td></tr><tr><td>Mot de passe :</td><td><inputtype="text"name="mdp"id="mdp"></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="2"align="center"><inputtype="submit"value="Valider"name="valider"id="valider"></td></tr><?phpif(isset($_GET['auth']))
if($_GET['auth'] == 'false')
echo'<div style="color:red">Désolé, Votre pseudo ou votre mot de passe est erroné !</div>';
Solution 2:
The problem is that a browser will submit a button with type="submit"
before a JavaScript scripe will finish executing. What you want to do is have your script submit your form after it validates. So change your input type to button, and do a submit from javascript itself.
EDIT: (per comment)
You already are submitting the form via JavaScript. To get your code to work, I would simply change your input button from type submit to button. so change <input type="submit" value="Valider" name="valider" id="valider">
to this:
<inputtype="button" value="Valider" name="valider"id="valider">
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