Switch Between 2 Values In A Class
I want to switch between 2 values in a class. Something like this,
Solution 1:
Try this one
this.render.setStyle(controlToShow, white-space=='normal' ? 'nowrap' : 'normal');
Solution 2:
Now when I know your code this is what I will do :
HTML part:
<ion-item *ngFor="let part of partner; let i=index"class="border_bottom bdr_radius"><pclass="font_c_2 gra_reg" #short (click)="onShowHide(i)" [ngClass]="{'long': selected === i, 'short': selected != i}">
css part:
.long {
white-space: normal;
white-space: nowrap;
your ts file:
selected = 0;
onShowHide(index: number) {
this.selected = index;
When you click on item it will set normal
for it and others will have
Solution 3:
To do it on click event, just set and event handler and pass the control. then chech which is your current class and apply the logic you want to apply a new one
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of items"><h3 #text>{{item}}</h3><buttonion-buttonitem-rightcolor="light" (click)="onSwitch(text)">Switch Primary / Danger</button><buttonion-buttonitem-right (click)="onPrimary(text)">Set Primary</button><buttonion-buttoncolor="danger"item-right (click)="onDanger(text)">Set Danger</button></ion-item>
publicitems: string[] = [
"Item 1",
"Item 2",
"Item 3",
"Item 4",
"Item 5",
"Item 6",
"Item 7",
"Item 8",
"Item 9",
"Item 10",
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private render: Renderer2) { }
publiconSwitch(control) {
this.render.removeClass(control, 'primary');
this.render.addClass(control, 'danger');
this.render.removeClass(control, 'danger');
this.render.addClass(control, 'primary');
publiconPrimary(control) {
this.render.addClass(control, 'primary');
publiconDanger(control) {
this.render.addClass(control, 'danger');
Otherwise, use the one of the other answers
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