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How Do I Get The Current Page Name If It's Not Displayed In The Url When That Page Is The Default Page For A Web App?

I have an ASP.NET web site. There's an ASP.NET menu on the Masterpage. I want to to hide the menu if the current page is the login page. My login page is Login.aspx. Here's the cod

Solution 1:

If you want to do that in javascript, you can do that as below

var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );

// assuming the url as http://www.example.comvar url_length = pathArray.length;
//if url is, then url_length will have 3//if url is, then url_length will have 4


if( url_length==3 || pathArray[pathArray.length-1]=="login.aspx")

Hope this will help you.

Solution 2:

You should be doing it in server side IMO. anyway suppose your web app address is and your login page is the default page. then it will be displaied to user even if he is not typing so all we need to check is that if our address is ending with or not. if so we will hide the menu.

var pathname = window.location.pathname;
var appDomainEndding = ''if (pathname.toLowerCase().indexOf("login.aspx") > -1 || 
    pathname.indexOf(appDomainEndding, pathname.length - appDomainEndding.length) > -1)

Solution 3:

If the url doesn't change when on the login screen, your only options are to check the page's content, or to set a cookie: Make the server set something like a "pageIsLogin=true" cookie and check if document.cookie has that.

    //Login-specific settings here.

(Don't forget to unset that cookie on other pages)

Or, like my fist suggestion, check if the page contains a login-specific element:

    //Login-specific settings here.

Solution 4:

Supply a special variable on each "page". It's the classic go-to for this scenario. It is commonly used to allow a scripted, included menu system differentiate between any and all pages, and provide functionality on that basis such as highlighting, removing the link, etc. The way it works is to have a specific variable set on each page, which is then tested by the menu system and acted on accordingly.

The same variable can be reused for a variety of reasons, e.g. testing whether a specific function should be available, inclusion of page elements, etc.

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