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Can We Use Multiple Libraries In Angular(2/4/5/6) Because It Supports Treeshaking ? Without Hitting The Performance And Build Size

I have gone through this article : In the comment they mentioned we can use Prime Ng and Angular material to

Solution 1:

When you build an Angular app with production flag, every component, service, directive or pipe is referenced at least once (in @NgModule annotations). At the end of the AOT compilation, the compiler removes these annotations and after that it also removes unreferenced things.


That said, every Angular Material component is a module, which gives you fine grained import of the library.

I don't know PrimeNg, but from what I quickly searched and as you already know it seems to have one module per component too.

Using both libraries should not affect bundle size nor performance, but you should be aware that the "look and feel" differs from UI library to UI library

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