Why Is No Value Returned From My Promise?
In this slightly reduced code, one or more weeks of observations are downloaded a week at a time from an API, and aggregated into rows and exported to CSV. At least that is the ide
Solution 1:
A promise is not a magical object that "becomes" a different value when it is resolved. When you were doing rows.push(promiseArray[i]);
, you were collecting promise objects not the results that they contained.
To access the result that a promise was or will be fulfilled with, you need to chain a .then(…)
callback to it in which you can access the result as the parameter. To collect the results from all the promises in the array, you use Promise.all
, which returns another promise that not only waits for all the input promises but also fulfills with an array of their result values.
$("#downloadBtn").click(function() {
var weeks = getWeeks(startDate.val(), endDate.val());
// start downloading the datavar promiseArray = weeks.map(function(week) { // map is simpler than a loop with `push`returnfetchDataWeek( week[0], week[1] );
Promise.all(promiseArray).then( function(results) { // Wait for all promises to resolvevar rows = [headers].concat(results);
exportToCsv( fileName, rows );
functionfetchDataWeek( startDay, endDay, _promise ) {
var url = "https://api" + startDay + endDay + ".json";
var jQpromise = $.ajax({
url: url
var qPromise = Q(jQpromise);
return qPromise.then(parseHistory);
functionparseHistory(data) {
var weekRows = [];
var days = data.history.days;
for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
var dayRows = formatDay( days[i] );
for (var j= 0; j < dayRows.length; j++) {
return weekRows;
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