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Jquery Selector Not Working When Element Contains Dot In Tag Name

I have just started using jquery for the first time so i'm not sure if what i'm doing is correct. What i'm trying to do is very basic, I have a script which is adding a css waterma

Solution 1:

I think you should escape the dot with a double-backslash: $("#Department\\.DeptName") See here.

Solution 2:

You are trying to access the #Department with a class DeptName. You should escape with two backslashes (as Joril said).

See JQuery Selectors for more info.

Solution 3:

Alternative syntaxes like $("input[name='department.deptname']") will work if you have control over writing jQuery. I am using Spring MVC with Kendo and thus I don't have access to jQuery code. Spring MVC <form> tag automatically puts . whereever applicable. E.g. if the user has Address.. thus field city will become (or And if I break spring MVC into multiple forms then it messes up my back-end logic. It also scatters what should have been a single form. Another alternative is to flatten the User object on the back-end... again, not very clean. I am not sure but Dojo worked in such a scenario.

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