Keep Bootstrap Dropdown Open In Navbar No Matter What
I have a dropdown menu nested in a navbar that I am opening during page load by adding the open class to the li element containing the dropdown menu. I want this menu to stay open
Solution 1:
This uses only css. working demo
Add a class to the dropdown ul (.stay-open)
<ul class="dropdown-menu stay-open">
then apply style display block with !important
.stay-open {display:block !important;}
Solution 2:
I am assuming that you are using a bootstrap dropdown, give this a shot:
"": function() { this.close = false; },
"click": function() { this.close = true; },
"": function() { returnthis.close; }
The above implementation will hide the dropdown when it is clicked again. If you do not like that behavior, you can simply remove the first two lines ( and click events) and simply return false for event.
Here is working proof bootply
Here is a working proof bootply that will always stay open
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