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Google Web Service To Get Time By Location?

Possible Duplicate: How to get the current time in any location I've heard of open Google WebServices i.e. for maps, and i wondered is there is anything similar to this for time

Solution 1:

Working Demo

Using the HTML5 geolocation API, you can get the current lat/long coords:

var currentPosition;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
    currentPosition = position;

You can use this to make an ajax request to the web service you mention in your post:

    var tzObject;
        var dt = "lat="+currentPosition.coords.latitude +
                 "&lng="+currentPosition.coords.longitude +
                 "&username=demo"; //change to your uName

        $.get("", dt, function(msg) {
            tzObject = msg;
            alert(tzObject.time + " " + tzObject.timezoneId);

This returns a JSON object containing the relevant timezone information. Of course, if you have a set list of cities, it's easy to store their lat/long coords and just use those for the request instead. You will need to get a username to use that web service for multiple requests in succession (using 'demo', there's an hourly limit).

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