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Can The Client Emit Events Locally?

Is it possible to use to dispatch events to the client and not send them to the server? Something like: socket.emitLocally('some event', data); Here is why I'm asking:

Solution 1:

This can be done as shown on the client code on function Emitter.prototype.emit.

Events are saved on socket._callbacks with the prefix $, so for instance "connected" would be under _callbacks as "$connected".

You can replicate the behaviour of said function by using:

// You can use internal (e.g. disconnected) or custom events (e.g. ChatMessage).varevent = "MyEvent";
// Set your args exactly as in your server emit.// Note that they will be used on an apply so they must be within an array.var args = [1, 2, 3];

if(socket._callbacks) { // If the socket has callbacksvar callbacks = socket._callbacks['$' + event]; // Load the callback eventif (callbacks) {
        callbacks = callbacks.slice(0);
        for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i)
          callbacks[i].apply(socket, args);
    } // Otherwise no calls

In the example above the callback for "MyEvent" will be called with the arguments 1, 2, 3.

A further example on how to use this on an actual connection:

io.on('connection', function (socket) {
    socket.on("getSingleUpdate", function(id, data){
        alert("Event #"+id+" data "+data);

    functionemitLocalEvent(event/*, arg1, arg2, etc.*/) {
        if(socket._callbacks) { 
            var args = [], 1),
                callbacks = socket._callbacks['$' + event];
            if (callbacks) {
                callbacks = callbacks.slice(0);
                for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i)
                  callbacks[i].apply(socket, args);

    // Emitting fake eventsemitLocalEvent("getSingleUpdate", 1, "Hello");
    emitLocalEvent("getSingleUpdate", 2, "World!");

    // You can even receive an array of events via
    socket.on("getMultipleEvents", function(eventArray) {
        for(var i in eventArray)
            emitLocalEvent.apply(null, eventArray[i]);

Solution 2:

Assuming you catch events on the client side using


you could just call


I hope i could help! =)

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