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Tabs.onupdated.addlistener's Changeinfo.status Goes From Undefined To Complete Without Ever Going To Loading

I see this behavior only when google SERP page is loading (when searched from the search box on or box on SERP page it self). I was seeing expected behavior for other p

Solution 1:

Firefox and Google Chrome are different browsers. WebExtensions is very new for Firefox. Even when it is mature, Firefox and Google Chrome will be different. This may require you to have significantly different sections of code for the various browsers your extension is supposed to run on.

Currently in Firefox, the changeInfo object that is passed to the listener function for chrome.tabs.onUpdated can be invalid. It is supposed to have only two possible values: loading or complete.

It appears that there is a bug that makes it such that changeInfo can have the property status, but the value of that property is undefined. In these cases, the tabs.Tab object with is also passed to a tabs.onUpdated listener, has a property status with a value that is a string. In most cases, that value is 'completed', even when that does not appear to be accurate.

It looks like this may be able to be worked around relatively easily. It depends on what you need.

The following code will override the erroneous undefined values for changeInfo.status with the assumption that they are 'loading':

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    if(changeInfo.hasOwnProperty("status") && typeof changeInfo.status === 'undefined'){
        changeInfo.status = 'loading';

The reality is that you will need to determine for yourself what works for your extension. Firefox and Chrome are going to give somewhat different information to your extension.

For the situation which you described (Google main page to SERP page) the combined webRequest, webNavigation, and tabs.onUpdated events give you the following information:


tabs.updated event: tabId=37:: changeInfo keys:status ::changeInfo.status=undefined (override->loading)
tab.status=complete (override->loading)testTabEvents.js:96:9

tabs.updated event: tabId=37:: changeInfo keys:status,url ::changeInfo.status=complete


    webNavigation->ReferenceFragmentUpdated: tadId=37:: url=

tabs.updated event: tabId=37:: changeInfo keys:status ::changeInfo.status=undefined (override->loading)
tab.status=complete (override->loading)testTabEvents.js:96:9

tabs.updated event: tabId=37:: changeInfo keys:status ::changeInfo.status=undefined (override->loading)
tab.status=complete (override->loading)testTabEvents.js:96:9

        webRequest: 

tabs.updated event: tabId=37:: changeInfo keys:status ::changeInfo.status=undefined (override->loading)
tab.status=complete (override->loading)testTabEvents.js:96:9


The above event information was obtained from running the extension I put in this answer (for the webRequests) along with the following extension:

testTabEvents.js (hand modified as I put it in this answer, so may have an error or two):

chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    let output="";
    //We use the properties of "tab" instead of "changeInfo" because in testing it was//  clear that changeInfo was not always properly populated. The key(s) may just//  exist, but not have any value associated with them.//*//Testing output showing when the event is fired.//  This is used to determine, by experimentation, what events to ignore and which//  combinations and sequence of events occur during page navigation.functionaddPropToOutput(prop){
            output += (changeInfo.hasOwnProperty(prop)) ? '\ntab.' + prop + '=' + tab[prop] : '';
            if(prop === 'status'){
                output += ((changeInfo.hasOwnProperty("status") && typeof changeInfo.status === 'undefined') ? ' (override->loading)' :'')
            output += (changeInfo.hasOwnProperty(prop)) ? '\nchangeInfo.' + prop + '=' + changeInfo[prop] : '';

    //Want status and url always first
        if(changePropertiesOrder.indexOf(prop) === -1){
            //Not in the listaddPropToOutput(prop);

    console.log("tabs.updated event: tabId=" + tabId + ":: changeInfo keys:"
                + Object.keys(changeInfo)
                + (changeInfo.hasOwnProperty("status") ? ' ::changeInfo.status=' + changeInfo.status : '')
                + ((changeInfo.hasOwnProperty("status") && typeof changeInfo.status === 'undefined') ? ' (override->loading)' :'')
                + output
    if(changeInfo.hasOwnProperty("status") && typeof changeInfo.status === 'undefined'){
        changeInfo.status = 'loading';

var webNavEvents = ['BeforeNavigate',
                    //'CreatedNavigationTarget', //Not supported by Firefox'DOMContentLoaded',
                    'ReferenceFragmentUpdated'//'TabReplaced' //Not supported by Firefox

    browser.webNavigation['on' + navType].addListener(function(type,details){
        console.log('\twebNavigation->' + type 
                    + ': tadId=' + details.tabId
                    + ':: url=' + details.url
                    + ((typeof details.transitionType === 'string') ? ':: transitionType=' + details.transitionType : '')



    "description": "Test tabs.onUpdated and webNavigation events on page load",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "name": "onUpdated and webNavigation event testing",
    "version": "0.1",
    "applications": {
        "gecko": {
            "id": "onUpdatedWebNavigationEventTesting@testing",
            "strict_min_version": "45.0"
    "permissions": [
    "background": {
        "scripts": ["testTabEvents.js"]

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