Javascript Ajax Scope Inside Of $.each Scope
So I am trying to loop through some elements and change some text based on the result of an ajax call. the problem is I cannot get the data out of the ajax callback and I am not su
Solution 1:
runs asynchronously, so you can't really "wait" for the success in the previous scope. You can use jQuery promise and Deferred to do this though. Check out and
EDIT: showing an alternate solution that doesn't require promise or deferred:
var tweets = $('.tweet');
var symbol_pat = /(^|\s\$)([a-z]+\b)/gi;
$.each(tweets, function(){
var that = this;
var symbol = arguments[2];
varYAHOO_API_URL = ''var format = 'json'var query = 'select * from where symbol in ("'+symbol+'")';
var env = "store://";
'data': {
success: function(data){
var quote = data.query.results.quote;
var change = quote.Change;
var change_pct = quote.ChangeinPercent;
var quote_price = quote.LastTradePriceOnly;
var html_str = "";
if( change.indexOf("+") != -1 ){
html_str = '<span class="symWrap up">'+arguments[0]+'</span>';
html_str = '<span class="symWrap down">'+arguments[0]+'</span>';
var tweet_html = $(that).html();
var tweet_html = arguments[0].replace(html_str);
tweet_html = tweet_html.replace(symbol_pat,html_str);
Solution 2:
so long as your replace
code is correct, I believe the following rework of your code should work (or at least get you darn close, as this is untested and depends on the rest of your code):
varYAHOO_API_URL = ''var tweets = $('.tweet');
var symbol_pat = /(^|\s\$)([a-z]+\b)/gi;
$.each(tweets, function(){
var tweet_html = $(this).html();
tweet_html = tweet_html.replace(symbol_pat, function(){
var symbol = arguments[2];
var format = 'json'var query = 'select * from where symbol in ("'+symbol+'")';
var env = "store://";
var quoteHtml = getQuote(format, query, env, function(quote) {
var change = quote.Change;
var change_pct = quote.ChangeinPercent;
var quote_price = quote.LastTradePriceOnly;
var html_str = "";
if( change.indexOf("+") != -1 ){
html_str = '<span class="symWrap up">'+arguments[0]+'</span>';
html_str = '<span class="symWrap down">'+arguments[0]+'</span>';
return quoteHtml;
var getQuote = function(format, query, env, successCallback) {
'data': {
'format': format,
'q': query,
'env': env
success: function(data){
var quote = data.query.results.quote;
if(successCallback !== undefined && typeof successCallback == 'function') {
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