How To Pass A Javascript Variable To Twig In This Particular Example
The following code is in my Twig template and it's for load a CSS file or another depending on the theme selected by the user. This works perfectly on a simple HTML page but when I
Solution 1:
To concat in javascript you have to use '+
' operator
' operator is for twig concatenation
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" id="theme-style" href="{{ asset('bundles/activos/css/app-' + themeName + '.css') }} ">');
Solution 2:
As you can't pass a javascript variable to twig you will need to fetch the theme uri by ajax.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scriptsrc=""></script><linkrel="stylesheet"id="theme-style"href="{{ asset('bundles/activos/css/app.css') }}"></head><body><script>
$(function() {
var themeSettings = (localStorage.getItem('themeSettings')) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('themeSettings'))
: {};
var themeName = themeSettings.themeName || '';
if (themeName) {
url : "url/to/get/theme_uri.php",
type: "POST",
data : {
'themeName' : themeName,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
$('#theme-style').attr('href', data.uri);
<?php//... This would be a symfony controllerpublicfunctionthemeUriAction(Request $request){
$path = 'bundles/activos/css/app-' . $request->request->get('themeName').'.css';
returnnew JsonResponse(array('uri' => $this->container->get('templating.helper.assets')->getUrl($path)));
If you know all the themes at front, you can add them into an array, then you don't need to use ajax
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><scriptsrc=""></script><linkrel="stylesheet"id="theme-style"href="{{ asset('bundles/activos/css/app.css') }}"></head><body><script>var themes = {
{% for theme in themes %}
'{{ theme }}': '{{ asset('bundles/activos/css/app-'~theme~'.css') }}',
{% endfor %}
$(function() {
var themeSettings = (localStorage.getItem('themeSettings')) ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('themeSettings'))
: {};
var themeName = themeSettings.themeName || '';
if (themeName in themes) {
$('#theme-style').attr('href', themes[themeName]);
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