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How To Automatically Scroll Down A Html Page?

I'm trying to start each page after the homepage about 500px down, similar to this website: You'll notice when viewing pages after the homepage, you

Solution 1:

You can use .scrollIntoView() for this. It will bring a specific element into the viewport.


document.getElementById( 'bottom' ).scrollIntoView();



function top() {
    document.getElementById( 'top' ).scrollIntoView();    

function bottom() {
    document.getElementById( 'bottom' ).scrollIntoView();
    window.setTimeout( function () { top(); }, 2000 );



<div id="top">top</div>
<div id="bottom">bottom</div>


#top {
    border: 1px solid black;
    height: 3000px;

#bottom {
    border: 1px solid red;

Solution 2:

You can use two different techniques to achieve this.

The first one is with javascript: set the scrollTop property of the scrollable element (e.g. document.body.scrollTop = 1000;).

The second is setting the link to point to a specific id in the page e.g.

<a href="mypage.html#sectionOne">section one</a>

Then if in your target page you'll have that ID the page will be scrolled automatically.

Solution 3:

here is the example using Pure JavaScript

function scrollpage() {		
	function f() 
		if(status==0) {
			if(i>=Height){	status=1; } 
		} else {
			if(i<=1){	status=0; }  // if you don't want continue scroll then remove this line
	setTimeout( f, 0.01 );
var Height=document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
var i=1,j=Height,status=0;
<style type="text/css">

	#top { border: 1px solid black;  height: 20000px; }
	#bottom { border: 1px solid red; }

<div id="top">top</div>
<div id="bottom">bottom</div>

Solution 4:

Use document.scrollTop to change the position of the document. Set the scrollTop of the document equal to the bottom of the featured section of your site

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