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Return The Correct Distinguished Name If Given A Domain

If given an array of domains I need to check and choose the right DN based on the DC Example: given domain is “” Check if it exist in a list of Dn’s const dnArray

Solution 1:

like this?

const dnArray = ["CN=Larry,OU=test,DC=RED,DC=COM", "CN=JIM,OU=test,DC=GRE,DC=TEN,DC=COM", "CN=Will,OU=testUsers,DC= Example,DC=COM"];

const domain = "Example.COM"

let res = dnArray.filter(e => e.toLowerCase().includes(domain.split('.')[0].toLowerCase()));

Solution 2:

The following code will return


    const dnArray = 

    var dn;
    const domain = "RED.BLUE.COM" // Will also work as
    var dc = domain.toLowerCase().split('.'); // "['red', 'blue', 'com']"

    var included = false;
    dnArray.forEach(name => {
        dc.forEach(domain => {
            if(name.toLowerCase().includes('dc=' + domain))
                included = true;        
                included = false;
        // If included is true, set dn to equal the current name
        dn =  included ? name : dn; 

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