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Is My Function Not Resolving Correctly? Also It Won't Write To Firebase To The Databse. No Errors

I have a cloud function that runs with no errors, however, it won't write to the database after Promise.all I've tested this function in a web browser and the data seems to resolve

Solution 1:

It seems you are trying to use getIndex when it is still not available, take a look into async operations... using async/await you can restructure you code to look something like

exports.scheduledIndexUpdate = functions.pubsub
  .schedule("every 30 minutes")
  .onRun(async context => {
    console.log("This will be run every 30 minutes!");

    var newIndex;
    var getIndex = await admin.collection("billsIndex")
                                .then(doc => doc.exists ? : null);
    // you have you docs available here 
    for (let prop of getIndex) {
        await admin
          .then(() => { /..,/ })
          // etc

    await admin.firestore().collection("billsIndex")
    return Promise.resolve(/.../)

That way you are forcing your execution to wait until promise are resolved

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