If Filename Has Single Quote C# Javascript Does Not Get Executed
I need to pass a URL from C# to javascript. The problem is if the filename has single quote, it does not execute the javascript. When I use HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(fileNameWithoutEx
Solution 1:
Use Uri.EscapeDataString(yourLinkHere);
. See Uri.EscapeDataString on MSDN.
Solution 2:
You're embedding the title and URL within quote-delimited strings in JavaScript, so you need to escape them.
title = title.Replace("'","\\'");
url = url.Replace("'","\\'");
Solution 3:
You can try percent codes. I would recommned using %20
in the place of spaces as well. You can chance the file name itself or the way you route to it in code.
urlstring.replace("'", "%27")
Try to replace your '
with %27
which is the standard percent encode for '
Characters with reserved purposes should be replaced to guarantee functionality in all environments. You can view the list and read up on this here.
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